Angular 16 : The Best Features and How to Use Them
Angular 16 is the latest major release of the popular web development framework that brings many new features and improvements. In this article, we will explore some of the highlights of Angular 16 and how they can benefit your web development projects. Angular Signals One of the most exciting features of Angular 16 is Angular Signals, a new reactivity model that aims to enhance performance and developer experience. Angular Signals introduces new primitives such as signal , computed , and effect that allow you to define reactive values and express dependencies between them. With Angular Signals, you can: Reduce the number of computations during change detection by using signals to notify the framework when the model has changed. Simplify the mental model for reactivity by making it clear what are the dependencies of the view and what’s the flow of data through the app. Enable fine-grained reactivity that will allow Angular to check for changes only in affe...